...to encourage the communication of English words, in singing and speech, with clarity, understanding and imagination...
Unsung Heroes 2024
Sun, 25 Feb
|Craxton Studios
The composers to be celebrated will still be Geoffrey Bush, Lennox Berkeley and Madeleine Dring, and now there is more time to explore their music, or rifle through your music drawers to see if you have any of their songs lurking there. These three composers all deserve to be sung more than they are

Time & Location
25 Feb 2024, 10:30 – 16:30 GMT
Craxton Studios, 14 Kidderpore Ave, London NW3 7SU, UK
About the event
Too many composers of English Song enjoy a brief period of publication and performance and then fall into obscurity. The AESS ‘Unsung Heroes’ days aim to re-awaken interest in some who deserve a better hearing.
Members gather to perform some of their songs along with readings about their lives and works.
In an additional short feature, ‘Brief Candles’, we will hear the performers’ own favourites, with songs and poems from a wide range of writers whom, they feel may be unjustly neglected,
Date: Sunday February 25th Time:10.30 am - 4.30pm. Coffee will be served on arrival.
Lunch approximately from 12.15pm - 1.15pm
Venue. CRAXTON STUDIOS . 14 Kidderpore Avenue, London NW3 7SU
Audience memebrs are welcome but, as space is limited, please reserve your place by emailing
Patricia Williams on: williams.typnigerror@outlook.com tel; 07793 825150.
Tea and Coffee will be provided but we suggest bringing a packed lunch
Admission – Free. Retiring collection
Buses: 13, 113 (Finchley Rd), 328 (West Hampstead) 139 to West Hampstead
Tube: Finchley Road (Jubilee Line, Metropolitan Line) West Hampstead (Jubilee Line)
Rail: West Hampstead (Thameslink)/ Finchley Rd & Frognal and West Hampstead (London Overground)
Car: N. Circular Rd - A41, Finchley Rd On-street car parking: Free on Sundays
Walking: Approx. 20 minutes on foot from Finchley Road or West Hampstead tube stations.
Previously on the AESS website:
We now have a date for our next ‘Unsung Heroes’ day, celebrating Madeleine Dring, Geoffrey Bush and Lennox Berkeley.
It is Sunday, February 25th 2024 at the Craxton Studios in Hampstead. We welcome singers, speakers, accompanists and listeners. Signifying your interest does not put you under obligation but it does help us with confirming the booking.
These events always give a wealth of information and turn up some real ‘buried treasures’.
Please reply to Patricia Williams, at williams.typnigerror@outlook.com, even if only to put a toe in the water.
Patricia Williams - Membership Secretary Craxton Studios website: http://www.craxtonstudios.org.uk
The composers to be celebrated will still be Geoffrey Bush, Lennox Berkeley and Madeleine Dring, and now there is more time to explore their music, or rifle through your music drawers to see if you have any of their songs lurking there.
These three composers all deserve to be sung more than they are.
A welcome new feature last year was the opportunity, in the morning, for members to suggest their own choice of ‘Unsung’ songs and we will be repeating the same format this year.
Please rifle through your chests of drawers, dust off your English song folders – and LET’S PARTY!
Please contact Patricia Williams at williams.typnigerror@outlook.com to express interest.
Craxton Stuidos website: http://www.craxtonstudios.org.uk