...to encourage the communication of English words, in singing and speech, with clarity, understanding and imagination...
Music Published by the AESS

A Century of English Song
It is with great pleasure that the AESS is able to announce that the last three volumes in the Century of English Song series are now available online from Goodmusic.
The AESS if immensely grateful to all those who have been involved in the long period of preparation for the new volumes; Michael Pilkington, Garry Humphreys, Sarah Leonard, David Good.
The volumes include the winning songs by Michael Betteridge and Rose Miranda Hall from the 2013 AESS Centenary Song Composition Prize.
We trust that all teachers and performers will find the volumes to be of great use in creating recitals and examinations.
Volumes 1-7, originally published by Thames, can be purchased at Musicroom.com
The last three volumes are now available online from Goodmusic.
Simply click on the relevant image below to view and purchase the required publications.
Click here to view or download the full index of songs.
Several songs from volumes 1 – 10 are currently in the ABRSM’s singing syllabus.
Grade 5
The Early Morning, Graham Peel - Volume 8
Grade 6
A Melancholy Song, Anthony Hopkins – Volume 1
How should I your true love know? Roger Quilter – Volume 1
Pot and Kettle, Clive Pollard – Volume 10
Grade 7
Love is a sickness, Patricia Williams – Volume 10
Grade 8
Mother I will have a husband, Gordon Jacob – Volume 4

Publications by AESS members
The AESS is delighted that David Good of Goodmusic Publishing Ltd has now published 'Still Glides the Stream' by Owen Ho.
Owen was the 2019 joint 1st prizewinner of our Composers Competition.
Listen to the song here Brian Parsons – Tenor & David Pollard – Piano
"Dreamers" by Tim Ravalde was the 2018 prize winning song which is also now in print.
The AESS is very grateful to David Good of Good Music Publishing for kindly agreeing to publish our winning songs.
Stephen Varcoe is well known in the UK and internationally as a Bass-Baritone with a wide ranging repertoire. His love of the English language and English music, coupled with his particular gift for singing songs with clarity andmeaning have prompted him to crystallise and set down some of his ideas.
His book is specifically aimed at British students who might otherwise receive little encouragement to explore their own cultural heritage, but it will also appeal to foreign singers who are looking for guidance in singing English.
Nicola Harrison's series of Wordsmith's Guides focus on the music of Roger Quilter and Ivor Gurney where she examines the poetry and lyrics of their songs, taking into account the context in which the words were written - the symbolism, mythologies, religion, philosophy, and the many other influences on the writer - digging deep into the text with fascinating results.
Her exploration of English Song is entertaining, witty and illuminating, exploring the magical relationship of words and music, and the way each separate art is painted by the other.
Michael Pilkington's series of 7 books aims to cover the whole repertoire of English song, and is designed not merely as a practical guide for singers and teachers but also to be of use to the ever-increasing number of students wishing to study the subject - the music, the poetry or both.
Each piece features detailed information of the song's origin and nature. This is an invaluable anthology, presenting the enormous repertoire available but unfortunately little known to those who should be most concerned - English singers themselves.